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Showing Support

10 Things You Can Do for Someone Struggling with Depression

When a loved one is dealing with depression, it's important to understand what they may be going through and what actions you can take to show your care and support. Understanding their feelings of depression may start with you asking a few questions and taking note of changes in their behavior.
New Year Resolutions

Pandemic Resolutions and A French Press

As we enter into another period of uncertainty around the pandemic, take time to find gratitude for your triumphs and lets enter 2021 with hope and reasonable expectations of yourself and your family.

Missing that Holiday Feeling

The Holiday Season is upon us again, and for many, will likely be a season unlike any experienced before. COVID-19 has impacted 2020 in ways unthinkable. As you prepare for the holiday season, allow yourself time to acknowledge your feelings of grief and loss, and explore ways you can establish new traditions for you and your family.
Helping a neighbor

Caution: Being Charitable May Cause Side Effects

It’s that time of year where there is a great push for charitable donations but in reality charitable giving has decreased. Even the smallest gifts like waving to your neighbor, or paying for the person's food behind you can make a tremendous impact. It is true that in the act of being charitable, one always receives far more than one gives. Pass it on!
Two friends having a conversation

Maintaining Relationships through Respectful Conversations

Today's world comes with its fair share of challenges which can make it difficult to connect with one another. Active listening, processing out loud, and accepting things we cannot change are techniques we can use to help us communicate in respectful and productive ways.
Parents and children's hands holding a house

Minnesota Is Waiting for Families

In Minnesota there are 733 children waiting for families. Foster families play a critical role as many children in foster care have experienced trauma during their critical developmental years.
Touching hands through a window

The Pandemic

This pandemic has truly impacted everyone but in reality most of this is out of our control. The support of others during these times can really make a huge difference.
Martial Artist Breaking a Board

Flip the Board

We have all made accommodations over the past several months that have moved from imaginative to frustrating to numbing. Margaret Vimont reflects on the small changes she's made in relief and self-care that open up a new pathway. 
Adults comforting a parent

Empathy Is Essential in Residential Treatment

We are quick to judge parents, even when we don’t know the backstory. In residential treatment, we work hard to recognize the parent’s effort in trying to find help for their child, no matter how they show up throughout the treatment process.
Father playing with son

Why Is Caregiver Involvement Important in Child Therapy?

It is very important for the caregiver to be involved in their child's therapy. As the caregiver you provide the most treatment, your therapist needs your input, and the therapists are here to support you.